7 Chakra Rose White Sage Bundle
4 inch bundle of farm fresh white sage with rose petals naturally dyed (plant-based all natural dye) rose petals for an amazing aroma! Great for cleansing and clearing the chakras. Excellent for protection, purification, and cleansing. Excellent for cleaning and protecting a new home, car, or sacred space/altar.
Harvested on Faiza's California farm.
How to use your White Sage smudge bundle:
Hold it at a 45-degree angle above a flame (a natural candle works well). If a flame catches on the sage stick, gently blow it out to create a light smoulder.
Hold your sage stick above a heat proof container or sage bowl to catch any falling embers and carry it carefully around your home encouraging the smoke into all spaces.
Pay particular attention to areas where energy naturally stagnates such as corners of rooms, behind doors and spaces that are not used often.
When ready, extinguish the stick by pressing it lightly into your heat proof container or into dry earth/sand. Never use water as this will result in you being unable to re-light the stick.